Sunday, February 9, 2025
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About Us

AWRAQ for Development and Training (AWRAQ Media)
The non-profit organization AWRAQ for Development and Training (AWRAQ Media) was founded in 2015 with the goal of promoting environmental justice, environmental development, and sustainable media in Jordanian society and the region, with a special emphasis on the role of women and young people in fueling the global fight against climate change and trying to speed up progress. The AWRAQ Organization’s training center has been active from day one with the objective of maximizing the organization’s available resources, enhancing its human resources, and inspiring its employees to think creatively and adopt new methods of working in the fields of administration, media, knowledge, and communications, public relations, health, Environmental, international law, international relations, and human rights through forging partnerships with institutions such as the International Center for the Best Available Resolution in Arbitration, Law, and Studies; the Middle East Center for Media and Political Studies; and the Basel Convention’s Regional and Coordination Centers.

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