Sunday, February 9, 2025
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Climate Change Media Program

The program aims to create environmental media content in Arabic that raises societal awareness of pressing global issues in the field of water, environment, energy, and health (climate change, global warming, alternative energy…. etc.
The program also aims to create a nucleus of media specialized in the field of environment and climate through mobile journalism (Mojo), which is a new way of working for the media, where reporters are trained and equipped to be fully independent.
This is done through holding training workshops and lectures, leading awareness campaigns and gaining support, producing specialized media materials that will remove the misconceptions related to climate change and preserving the environment in general, and holding conferences and forums specialized in environmental media.

Environmental Justice Program

• Environmental Justice Program
The program aims to create a core of jurists specialized in environmental affairs, raise awareness of environmental law, and assist the local legislator in creating environmental legislation that protects the environment and contributes to sustainable development. The program also works with Parliament and partners in civil institutions in evaluating and monitoring the implementation of international agreements and environmental legislation Ground.
And that is through holding training workshops and specialized lectures and working with research centers and partner civil society institutions in producing reports and specialized studies in environmental law and the right to protect the environment as an inherent human right.

• Green Economy Program

AWRAQ works on empowering women and youth in the fields of media and small projects through training courses and opening small income-generating businesses that take into account the principles of preserving the environment, such as the environmentally friendly bags project and the recycling bazaar project.